List of literature about Diacamma

- Billen, J. & Peeters, C. 1991. Fine structure of the gemma gland in the ant Diacamma australe (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Belg. J. Zool., 121, 203-210.
- Bitsch, J. & Peeters, C. 1991. Moignous alaires et morphologie thoracique chez l'ouvrire de la fourmi Diacamma australe (Fabricius) (Hym. Formicidae Ponerinae). Bull. Soc. ent. Fr., 96, 213-221.
- Fukumoto, Y. & Abe, T. 1983. Social organization of colony movement in the tropical ponerine ant, Diacamma rugosum (Le Guillou). J. Ethol., 1, 101-108.
- Fukumoto, Y., Abe, T. & Taki, A. 1989. A novel form of colony organization in the "queenless" ant Diacamma rugosum. Physiol. Ecol. Japan, 26, 55-61.
- Gronenberg, W. & Peeters, C. 1993. Central projections of the sensory hairs on the gemma of the ant Diacamma: substrate for behavioural modulation? Cell & Tissue Research, 273, 401-415.
- Moffet, M. W. 1986. Evidence of workers serving as queens in the genus Diacamma(Hymenoptera: Formicidae ). Psyche, 93, 151-152.
- Nakata, K. 1995. Age polyethism, idiosyncrasy and behavioural flexibility in the queenless ponerine ant, Diacamma sp. J. Ethol., 13, 113-123.
- Nakata, K. 1996. The difference in behavioural flexibility among task behaviours in a ponerine ant, Diacamma sp. Sociobiology
- Nakata, K. 1996. Does behavioural flexibility compensate or constrain colony productivity?- relationship between age structure, labour allocation and production of workers in ant colony - J. Ins. Behav.
- Nakata, K and Tsuji, K. 1996. The effect of colony size on the conflict over male-production between gamergate and dominant workers in the ponerine ant Diacamma sp.- Ethol., Ecol. & Evol.
- Peeters, C., Billen, J. & Hlldobler, B. 1992. Alternative dominance mechanism regulating monogyny in the queenless ant genus Diacamma. Naturewissenshaften, 79, 572-573.
- Peeters, C. & Billen, J. P. J. 1991. A novel exocrine gland inside the thoracic appendages ('gemmae') of the queenless ant Diacamma australe. Experientia, 47, 229-231.
- Peeters, C. & Higashi, S. 1989. Reproductive dominance controlled by mutilation in the queenless ant Diacamma australe. Naturwiss., 76, 177-180.
- Peeters, C. & Tsuji, K. 1993. Reproductive conflict among ant workers in Diacamma sp. from Japan: dominance and egg cannibalism in the absence of the gamergate. Ins. Soc., 40, 119-136.
- Sommer, K., Hlldobler, B. & Rembold, H. 1993. Behavioral and physiological aspects of reproductive control in a Diacamma species from Malaysia (Formicidae, Ponerinae). Ethology, 94, 162-170.
- Tulloch, G. S. 1934. Vestigal wings in Diacamma (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 27, 273-277.
- Wheeler, W. M. & Chapman, J. W. 1922. The mating of Diacamma. Psyche, 29, 203-211.