Complex behaviour may incur a cost. We assumed here that web-building behaviour for two species of orb-web spider, Cyclosa argenteoalba and Eriophora sagana, was more complex when their webs were asymmetric from top to bottom than when their webs were symmetric. The rationale for this assumption was that, while spiders have to adjust their spiral building behaviour in different web sectors to build asymmetric webs, they do not have to make these adjustments for symmetric webs. To estimate the costs involved in building more asymmetric webs, we measured the time taken for spiders to build orb-webs with various up-down size asymmetries and used this as a measure of the complexity of web-building behaviour. The results showed that the spiders required more time to lay the spiral threads as their webs became more asymmetric even when the length of spiral threads was the same, suggesting a time cost of processing complex information. Furthermore, we found that spiders built more symmetric webs when they perceived a risk of predation, perhaps to reduce the web-building time during which they are more vulnerable. This suggests that the cost of behavioural complexity may mediate the outcome of interspecific interactions and thus may be ecologically important.
- 氏名
- 中 田 兼 介
- 生年月日
- 昭和42年10月31日
- 年齢
- 32才
- 本籍地
- 大阪府
- 連絡先
- 〒851-0193、長崎総合科学大学人間環境学部
- 電話
- 095-838-4108
- 平成2年3月
- 京都大学理学部卒業
- 平成2年4月
- 京都大学大学院理学研究科修士課程(動物学専攻) 入学
- 平成4年3月
- 同 修了
- 平成4年4月
- 京都大学大学院理学研究科博士後期課程(動物学専攻)進学
- 平成7年3月
- 京都大学理学博士の学位を取得、博士後期課程修了
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- 長崎総合科学大学講師
平成7年3月 京都大学 理学博士
The relationship between individual behaviour, age-polyethism and productivity of the queenless ant, Diacamma sp.
主査 京都大学教授 川那部浩哉